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Getting Started

Are you looking to integrate Code2Grow in an existing class, robotics club, or programming project, or as part of a new class? The Getting Started guide depicts how it can be used in different subjects, activities, or projects to assist in student growth.

Introducing Code2Grow to your Students

The introductory Code2Grow Student Handbook and the tandem Teacher's Manual provide great guides to introducing students to their different Code2Grow kits and the website. 

Frequent Questions and Answers

This section covers commonly asked questions associated with the use of our products and questions related specifically to different labs. Any questions not answered in this guide can be asked directly via our Contact page.

Troubleshooting Guide

This troubleshooting guide provides users with instructions for diagnosing and resolving common hardware and software issues encountered during Code2Grow projects. From connection problems to coding errors, the guide is designed to help you quickly identify the issue and apply practical solutions to get back on track.

Lesson Plans

In order to maintain a course schedule that is timely and suitable for educators in the classroom and at home this pacing guide outlines a recommended time and instructing schedule that is optimized for participants' needs and understanding. 

Content Standards

This comprehensive document outlines the standards that are aligned with the various Code2Grow subjects and provides labs. The listed standards correspond with state and country-specific requirements, tailored to the location where the lab is being taught.

Code2Grow Lab Material Lists

A comprehensive list of the needed materials for each subject area and related labs.

Build Instructions

These manuals provide comprehensive, step-by-step instructions for each Code2Grow robotics and mechatronics project. Additionally, they include guides on navigating the Code2Grow platform and effectively using it in conjunction with each build.

Teachers' Resources

Here you will find resources designated to provide the necessary assistance in integrating Code2Grow into your educational setting. These resources will provide the tools to sculpt students into the bright and innovative learners they are meant to be.

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