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Lab's Objectives:


Attach and program the Green Car to move fully autonomously through the usage of IR Sensors.


  • First Students will attach and wire the IR Sensors

  • Learn to assign and program pins 

  • Sucessfully program the IR sensors to react to obstacles

  • Have fun with your fully autnomous moving Green Car


  • Students will learn to assign pins

  • Students will learn about sensors and how to program them

  • Students will learn to guess and check

Google Slides


Build Video

In the next lab for the Green Car Project, participants will sucessfully program their Green Car to avoid obstacles allowing for fully autnomous movement. They will learn how pins work and how to assign them. Participants will also learn how sensors work and how to sucessfully attach and wire them to a Microcontroller. This phase combines hands-on circuitry as well as a step into intermediate coding.

Lab Summary:

Required Materials:

Item Name
Required Quantity
Labeled Bag

Step 1

Natural Light Portrait

Connect the IR sensors to the front of the Green Car and proceed to wire both the left and right IR sesnors accordinly. Your Vin pin (red) will be attached to the 5V pin, Ground pin (black) to your G pi and your Out pin to Gp14 (left IR) and Gp12(right IR).

Once sucessfully attached and wire, you can move onto step 2 for programming.

Step 1

Step 2

Natural Light Portrait

Moving to "Code2Grow" and pressing "start coding" we can now connect to begin programming. First we are going to want to establish our IR pins, Gp14 (left) and Gp12(right). Once established we are goin to want to code our IR sensors keeping in mind which is left and which is right.

Once programmed, have fun with your Green Car as it drives completely autonomously avoiding all objects.

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