Lab's Objectives:
To create your own little car and move it around with two motors.
Connect both motors and get confortable with how the build turns right or left now with the ability the two motors bring.
Students will be able to visualize how two motors turn machines and how different parts of builds have to work together.
They will expand on their knowledge of coding.
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Build Video
Welcome to the little green car build labs! In this lab we will be able to fully control our build with the two motors. Also, we will be able to automate different moves on the robot and watch it obey our commands. For the movements of the build we will use a DC motor. DC motro is short for Direct Current Motor, these motors do not work with gasoline but electricity hence the word current. We can control the amount of electricity going throught the motor at one time therefore changing the speeds. This allows us to change speeds from 0 percent to 100 percent on the motor. Also, in idea we can change the direction of the flow of electricity, if forward direction allows the motor to rotate forward then if we chagne the direction to backwards then we can have the motor rotate the opposite direction. This allows us to turn the wheels forwards and backwards!
Lab Summary:
Required Materials:
Photos | Item Name | Purpose | Required Quantity | Labeled Bag |
Step 1
Connect the motors to the microcontroller in the right order. Since the one of the motors is connected to the gear we have to flip that motor but the code will get it right if it connect the right way.
Step 1
Step 2
Once connected, lets code our little car by moving it forwards, backwards, left and right. Pay attention to to why we need two motors are one will control the right wheel and one the left. For better controls we will need different motors controlling them.