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Lab's Objective:

Bimo X Lab 3

Students will learn how Bimo interacts with the world through sensors. They will learn the definition of sensors and how robots and machines use them. 


  • Connect the line tracker sensor which we can code to recognize either a balck or white line. 

  • Learn how sensors work as they can send signals to the controller like a how our bodies send signals to the brain. 

  • Code the robot to follow a black line. 


  • Students will be able to visualize what the robot will do when the line ends and anticipate which direction it will go. 

  • Students will be able to draw a line which ever shape they want and see how the robot follows it throught the programming. 

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Build Video

In our next lab, we will automate our Bimo even further with the power of sensors. Sensor are how the robot feels the world around it. There are many types of sensors, for some examples: distance sensors, light sensors, motion sensors, temperatur, and the list goes on. We will be using a line tracking sensor. This sensor is mainly a color sensor as it can sense black and white. We can draw a black line and the sensor will be able to detect the black line and same goes for a white line on a black surface. The sensor being used has actually two line tracking sensor. By itself it cannot do much but when having two sensors we can code it to detect the line on one side and the other meaning it if one side goes off make sure the robot goes the other way back to where the line is. This will automate our robot once done. Watch it go on its own!

Lab Summary:

Required Materials:

Item Name
Required Quantity
Labeled Bag

Step 1

Natural Light Portrait

Connect your sensor to the microcontroller. Make sure the right connections are on it as it could burn the sensor. Notice there is V, G and S on the sensor each represent different funtions. The V stands for voltage this is technically the positive side of the sensor to give power like a battery. The G stands for ground and this is the negative side. Once both connected right, sensor will turn on. There are two S on the sensor, this means signal and this is what the microcontroller reads when its either black or white. 

Step 3

Natural Light Portrait

Finally create your own track! Make sure it is wide enough. For specific purposes, make sure it is at least 20 milimeters wide that way the robot has enough space to move around. Place the robot and watch it go!

Step 1

Step 2

Natural Light Portrait

Once connected we can read the sensors signals, 1 means its a white surface and 0 is a black surface. Make sure we know which side of the sensor is giving us the signals to be able to code for them. The next step is writting "if" statements when we get the signals. The code should read something like this: if right side detects white then go left back to the line, if left side detects white then go to the right back to the line.

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