Lab's Objective:
Bimo X Lab 1
Students will learn to move Bimo forwards, backwards, left and right. The will also understand the timing robots need to make as if we do not put a timer robot will repeat the same task forever.
Students will learn to connect the robot to the computer.
They will learn block coding and what entails to move the robot.
Students will learn to read some code and understand what overaching idea of the written code is.
Students will be able to create unique movements with Bimo.
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Build Video
Welcome to our Bimo labs, these labs are made for mastery of the Bimo. We will first explore how our Bimo moves. Code2grow is built so we can move the motors forwards, backwards, left and right. If we want to get a little more advanced we can control the right motor and left motor individually for an extended move set. Lastly, we also need to tell the robot when to stop. This is key because the robot cannot in essensce tell distance, but we can mimic distance by estimating the time it will get to get from one place to another. We will quickly realize that motors do not always move to the same spot every time. This is because these motors are made for movement only, not for accurate movements that is what another type of motor is for, which is called a servo. More on the servo on the motomo labs.
Lab Summary:
Required Materials:
Photos | Item Name | Purpose | Required Quantity | Labeled Bag |
Step 1

Make sure Bimo is connected to the computer and logged onto Code2grow. First test out the robot moving forward and backwards. Try to put a small amount of time like 5 seconds. This will show how far the robot will go with 5 seconds. Also try changing the speeds with the same time and see the difference. Tip: Try not to drop the speed lower than 10 percent as it could mess up the motor. Also, any speed greater than 100 percent will automatically change to 100.
Step 3

Lastly, try it going to different terrains! See what terrains the Bimo works best. Be careful with water terrains!
Step 1
Step 2

Once confortable on driving Bimo, try have it outline a square! If you get through it try attaching a marker and draw shapes with it on a piece of paper.